In December 2021, the legendary frontman of Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Holly Johnson, delivered a truly inspiring performance of his iconic song, The Power Of Love, on the recently revived comedy panel show Never Mind The Buzzcocks. This appearance held even greater significance as Johnson had been diagnosed with HIV back in 1991 and had never imagined he would survive into the 2020s. It is truly remarkable that he not only defied all odds but also continued to create exceptional music throughout his career. His memoir from 1994, A Bone In My Flute, beautifully captures the ups and downs of his life, including his struggles with identity and sexuality. Johnson’s contribution to music cannot be overstated; his unforgettable hits like Two Tribes and Relax, along with his solo work such as Americanos, which explores the shattered dreams of America, have solidified him as an influential LGBTQ+ artist whose songs remain timeless classics.

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